
#Christmas Short Story Review: Letters Home

My 1st review is here for A Literary Christmas reading challenge! And I have been SOOOO excited about this NEW RELEASE! It just came out today -- and it's only $0.99.

"Letters Home" is from the Steadfast Love series, which I definitely recommend the whole trilogy & this new short story to readers who enjoy inspirational romance...

>>>>> Grab your e-copy now!

Letters Home: A Christmas Short Story by Rachelle Rea Cobb (5 star review)

Letters Home: A Christmas Short Story
Steadfast Love Series

written by Rachelle Rea Cobb

35 pages // published in 2018 // inspirational historical romance


Since the Steadfast Love series came to a thrilling conclusion, readers have clamored for more from Cade and Margried. This Christmas, that wish is granted in this charming epistolary short story (about 6,000 words) that reveals more about Margried--and her family.

In the year 1566, she fled from an arranged marriage to a convent by the sea. Then a political and religious uprising shattered her plans to remain sheltered there, and she found safety only through an unlikely rescue.

See the events of the Steadfast Love series unfold through Margried’s eyes—and meet the sister never mentioned in those books but with whom Margried longs to reunite… if she will ever write her back.

My Review

5 Star Rating

Ah! What an excellent companion/prequel story to The Steadfast Love series!

I love that this even feels like a spin-off -- the same story I already love, but filled with newness, narrated by a different character this time. (It also makes me wonder if more similar tales could follow?!) 'Letters Home' is from the point-of-view of Margried, who is one of Gwyn's companions in the trilogy. We now can watch Margried's side of the story reveal itself, as she writes heartfelt letters to her sister. Their story is a moving one. Margried has escaped from an entrapping life, one complete with an arranged marriage; her one constant hope, the object she is fixated on, is to rescue her sister from the same kind of life.

"I abandoned you. How you must feel it! First Mama left us -- though not of her choice -- and now I have gone. Dear sister, can you ever forgive me?"

If you happen to read this short story before the trilogy, it will probably just make you eager to jump into the rest of the books. Trust me, what 'Letters Home' touches on in the overall plot is barely the tip of the iceberg; there's so much more goodness waiting for you! I love how Mrs. Cobb intertwines this story with the plot of the trilogy -- adding just a bit more of paths crossing paths, making connections we didn't know existed before.

"For the first time in my twenty years, I crossed the ocean. It was exhilarating and exhausting, and I do not recommend the experience."

And to anyone who has already enjoyed the trilogy... What are you reading this review for? Just start reading the new story already!

A clean inspirational read.

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  1. Anonymous11/16/2018

    Buying right now!

  2. I shared a new Christmas book for children in the link up.

    1. Awesome, Michele! Any other Christmas book posts you will have are welcome here.

  3. Sounds like a great book! I love the cover too! Cute.
