This is a simple page made up of "witty words". Anybody can send in your own--just
to send in your creative ideas! It could be something quite funny, or something really sincere. It could be about any subject, but I'm especially interested in anything that has to do with writing, reading, books, school, blogging, etc.
The Writing TOWER:
Think Organize Write Evaluate Revise
The Writers' Cheer: "Lean to the left! Lean to the right! Stand up, sit down, write, write, write!" (submitted by: Breana)
WARNING!! Do not read these writing tips if you lack a sense of humor.
1. Contractions aren't necessary.
2. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.
3. Do not overuse exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. Proofread caefuly to see if you words of leters out.
5. Do not use ampersands & abbreviations, etc.
Being as it is that there are many readers who, having short attention spans, cannot pay close attention to anything for very long, I advise all who wish to write, if they truly love their craft, not to write sentences that are too long for regular people, having short attention spans, to read; and also, since such things can clutter up writing, to make sure not to be too repetitive or include too many unnecessary statements.
(submitted by: Cherise A.)