In the Bookcase


Bookish Look at 2010

How did you fare with your reading in 2010?

How many books did you accomplish?

My total came to 53, which is about as good as it gets. I love keeping track of the books I read in a notebook. It may be a small notebook, but as the years go by, it literally contains volumes.

With 2010 gone, I wanted to share my Top 10 Favorite Books that I read this past year. I'd also like to invite anyone else to do the same... because I'd love to see what your favorites were!

Here's my list (in randomized order)...

1. Greyfriars Bobby (Eleanor Atkinson)

2. Eight Cousins (Louisa May Alcott)

3. Kidnapped (Robert Louis Stevenson)

4. The Pursuit of Holiness (Jerry Bridges)

5. Far North (Will Hobbs)

6. Sarah Bishop (Scott O'Dell)

7. Power of Kindness for Teens (Guideposts)

8. Heart of Fire (Victoria Holmes)

9. Sherlock Holmes stories (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

10. A Dog Named Christmas (Greg Kincaid)

What were your favorite reads in 2010?


  1. I think that's such a great idea to keep track of what books you've read in a year, I'm doing that this year!

    Have a great day,


  2. I'll have to check a few of those out! Have you ever read the Iceberg Hermit? I just read it and loved it!

    Keep your eyes open for an email soon!

  3. Those are some great reads there! Kidnapped being the one novel I could read every year, and Sherlock Holmes another top fave. :) I didn't read a whole lot of books in 2010, but I loved Agnes Grey, and I also read Moby-Dick, which was a long-time goal of mine.

  4. Ooh, lots and LOTS of books!!!~ =) I hope to read more this year...

  5. Thanks for the comment! No I didn't have a b theme going on. At least not on purpose. :-D Didn't even notice it till you pointed it out! That would be kind of cool to do though...

  6. That's a great idea.. keeping track of the books you read! I'm gonna do that this year! =D

    ~ Lacy
    Set Apart for Him
