In the Bookcase


Favorite Finds #27 {Writing Edition}

Looking for some writing inspiration this month? Splendid posts about writing can be found at Rachelle's blog, Inspiring Daring. Anytime I visit, she has new thoughts about her latest writing motivations. I've been finding good tidbits in other blogs too, especially in certain posts like this one called Writerly Rambles: Tense, and by scouring the fantastic articles posted on the Southern BelleView blog--I actually just found that place, and it is quite wonderful.

The Author Culture site contains some good thoughts to keep in mind about writing, and I found this post of theirs to be particularly entertaining: Pre-Writing Preparation (read if especially if you need to lighten up a bit before settling down to write). You might also like perusing some of the questions & answers presented on Wordplay, and then read through this article: 5 Fun and Easy Ways to Lengthen Word Count.

There are many many methods of tracking down the perfect character name, but if you need to acquire a name for your character quickly (you can always change out their name later on), then grab one (or a few) from the Random Name Generator.

If you can't put your finger on a certain word you're trying to think of, type the definition into the Reverse Dictionary and it will show you possible choices for a matching word. Handy!

Another writing tool I found recently: The Bookshelf Muse. If you need help describing a scene, a character, an emotion... they have a helpful list for all these things, ways to describe scenes or actions, all packed into their sidebar. For example, look at all the wonderfulness in the entry for bookstore--reading a book in the aisle, the woodsy, dry scent of paper and cardboard, carrying a basket heavy with books. All that and more.

If you're looking for other girls who are writing this November, you can look in my sidebar where I have a list of my blogging friends who are writing this month, whether they're doing Nanowrimo or not. I, for one, enjoy keeping up with everyone's progress.


  1. Thanks for all the great links! I decided to join Nano fun too. :-) It's amazing how addicting writing is!

  2. Anonymous11/04/2011

    Thanks for the helpful links, Tarissa. ^.^

  3. Awww, thanks, Tarissa. I could say the same about you!

    November is here! I, too, have a goal to "make progess!" Exciting! I can't wait to hear more about what you're working on!

    P.S. Hey, I just found SouthernBelleView, too! I'm liking it a lot so far.

  4. Tarissa,

    I left you a little something on my blog today! :)

    Have a great afternoon!
