In the Bookcase


Would you like to meet Joy?

Joy is a little girl that I'd like to introduce my blog readers to.

Please donate towards Joy's medical funds

She was diagnosed with Juvenile Polyarticular Arthritis earlier this year, and she's only 2 years old. Imagine suffering from the affects of arthritis at such a young age; but she doesn't know anything different in life. Little Miss Joy also experiences everything else a toddler should, and her whole life is not about medical issues. She's learning to walk, talk and sing. And, from what I've gathered, is seemingly a huge Frozen fan. (Well, what little girl isn't?)

Joy has just started immune suppressant therapy as the next step in her medical treatment. At the same time, this family is awaiting their CPS case to close, which I believe will happen in August; please pray that the case will go well in favor of the Gravel family.

The full story behind Joy is a lot more complicated than what I can put into my own words, but if you're interested in hearing more about it, check out the GoFundMe page where Emmaline Gravel has bravely shared the whole story, and you may also be interested in Emmaline's blog updates too.

Please donate towards Joy's medical funds

Joy's family needs 2 things right now, and you are welcome to help with both.

Prayers are definitely something that this girl and her family needs in their life. It's a simple thing and can help in good and even unexpected ways.

Secondly, this family needs assistance with Joy's medical bills. A donation page is up via GoFundMe, so that you can make your own secure donation online (see link below).

Also, you can share online about Joy's story. It doesn't cost a thing to you, but it certainly helps get the word out to a wider audience. Easy buttons to share on Facebook or Twitter are available on the GoFundMe page. Go on -- share!

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