In the Bookcase


Vintage Nancy Drew Books vs. Modern Reprints [Not Comparable]

Did you know that the Nancy Drew books that you now read may NOT be the same ones your mother or grandmother got to read?

The Mystery of Nancy Drew Books, Now and Then

article by Kelsey McKinney

"If you walk into a bookstore and pick up an early Nancy Drew title it will be impossible to tell whether it's been cut down or completely rewritten."

. . . .

"The book I got in the mail was newer. It had a yellow binding and an illustrated cover and was completely unfamiliar to me. At first I blamed my memory. Decades apart from a book can smooth it over, rewriting the story in your mind with rose-colored glasses into something it never was in the first place. But the further I got into my new copy, the more I felt that hunch Nancy taught me about. Something was not right."

— Continue reading at

In short, the original Nancy Drew stories from the 1930s were edited in 1959 to have a modern appeal. Even key elements of the plot and some of the characters were either "updated", or worse, deleted. Can you imagine?!

So, even though on the outside these two covers may look like the same book, they're not the same story. Frankly, that's just sad.

The Mystery of Nancy Drew Books, Now and Then The Mystery of Nancy Drew Books, Now and Then

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