In the Bookcase


My 2017 Reading Stats

Well, folks. The end of the year is nigh. So let's talk book totals.

How many books did you read in 2017?

Don't be shy in dropping a comment. We all have different reading habits, and what's important is that you're enjoying the books you do read, right?

So, I've got to announce it!

I read 146 books in 2017.

Yep, that's the most I've ever read in a year's time, methinks. And it sure was fun. I'll tell you my secret: Listen to audiobooks. I read more than ever this year, and it added SO MUCH to my overall total. SEE BELOW >>

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Okay! So I thought it might be fun to look back at a couple of years ago to see where I was then... (this is when I thought I was really into audiobooks) *wink* ...

Now, by 2016, things didn't change too much, but I did fit in a few more audiobooks and ebooks to cushion those totals a bit more...

But lo, and behold, check out 2017. Quite a different story. Audiobooks exploded everywhere (almost doubling over last year's total), while ebooks suffered quite a bit. However, I did bump up the hardcopy books I read... and I'll owe that to the 2017 book shelf idea, wherein I told myself I would read every book on the shelf (spoiler: it almost worked).

So, what about you?

Did you find yourself reading more books, ebooks, or audiobooks this year?


  1. Oh wow, awesome. I only managed 100 this year. Two of them are audiobooks. Planning to read more audiobooks next year. I hope you have a wonderful 2018. Happy New Year. ❤️😁

    1. Geybie, you did awesome this past year!

      *whispers* Listen to even more audiobooks. :)

  2. I read a lot of e-books and physical books. I need to give audios another shot; I just tend to let my mind wander too much if I'm just listening to something though. I've currently read 192, but I might finish one more today so we'll see!


    1. Lauren, wowzers, you read a ton in 2017! I find that I can really fit in my audiobooks whenever I'm working, or even just getting ready in the mornings. The world of audio has just exploded around me. :) Good luck with your reading list(s) for 2018!

  3. Oh that is great, so many audiobooks. I haven't really been able to get into audiobooks. Maybe some day. I did end up reading a lot more ebooks this year.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Annemieke, kudos to you on venturing further into ebooks this past year. It's great to explore different avenues of reading.

  4. Congrats on your most bookish year yet! Your post on The Hunchback of Notre Dame certainly moved that to high on my list of books to be read.

    Happy New Year!


    1. Reese, thanks! And I'm glad my review moved someone to do something actionable. You won't regret it.

  5. Whoa, girl! That's a lot of books...and audiobooks! I only read 75 this year...25 short of my goal. A significant percentage of those were audiobooks. I love audiobooks because they allow me to "read" even when I normally wouldn't be able to...i.e. when I'm getting ready in the morning, cooking, etc.

    1. Kate, audiobooks are magical. You're right about them allowing one to "read" when your eyeballs don't have time to read. That's what I love about them.

  6. What a fun idea! It's so interesting to see how our reading habits change over time!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Nicole, it's true that reading habits do change. I just didn't realize how drastically that was true until I made these charts. :O

  7. I love looking at people’s reading stats! 146 books is very impressive. I should probably give audiobooks another shot. I’ve only listened to 1.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Definitely try audiobooks! I started out with just 1 or 2 every once in a long while. Eventually I integrated it more into my daily life. It just works for me, you know? ... TRY IT THIS YEAR!
