In the Bookcase


A Literary Christmas 2019 begins + Link up your holiday reads!

Dear Readers,

I'd like to invite you to a SPECIAL READING EVENT this holiday season, where together we will celebrate all the excitement of Christmas book-reading during the most wonderful time of the year!

It's our FOURTH ANNUAL Literary Christmas. And it's happening now.

What's this holiday reading challenge about? ::: Whether you just want to read 1 amazingly-good Christmas book, or 10, you make your own list of titles to read, and finish as many of them as you can.

Where will it take place? ::: In your favorite cozy reading nook. Whether it be while wrapped in fleece blankets in bed... sitting by the fireside drinking hot chocolate...

Polar bear reading Christmas books

Or out on the ice sheets of the Arctic environment, with only starlight from the heavens and a tin lantern to illuminate the tiny text inside your vintage copy of A Christmas Carol.

But probably not the latter option.

This Christmas reading challenge is born of my own delight in filling the entirety of the month of December (and the latter of November, in most cases) with holiday-themed books galore. Literally, I keep adding to an ongoing booklist all through the year when I happen across Christmas titles that I may like to try my hand (errrr --- eyes?) at, just so I can read it when the holidays arrive.

Please tell me I'm not alone?

The challenge starts on November 8th (for all the early birds). But whenever YOU start reading your holiday books, start linking up your reviews and posts with us ALL SEASON LONG!

Sign-ups are open NOW! Just so whenever you're ready to pick up a festive holiday title, the event link-up is open.

How to participate in A Literary Christmas:

  • Think about some Christmas books to read, or maybe re-read this season. This could include fictional stories (modern or vintage books), or non-fiction (an Advent devotional, or a book on Christmas traditions?)... it's up to you! Your goals can be 1 book, 10 books, or some short stories. AUDIO BOOKS & E-BOOKS ARE WELCOME!

  • Write a blog post or social media post to tell us that you're joining A Literary Christmas reading challenge, and maybe give us a sneak peek of the books you want to read for this challenge. Make sure to link to this blog (or even this individual post) to spread the word among your friends. Grab one of the challenge images to use in your post.

    Use hashtag #ALiteraryChristmas

    A Literary Christmas: Reading Challenge //

    A Literary Christmas: Reading Challenge //

  • Link up below! Copy the link to your post online and add it to the linky below. Now you've joined the challenge!

  • Next step: Start reading the books on your list! When you talk about the books on your blog or review them (on Goodreads, your blog, Instagram etc.), be sure to link up your posts below so that we can all check out what everyone is reading. (I know that I hope to find some good book recommendations from you all!)

    Use hashtag #ALiteraryChristmas

    A Literary Christmas officially begins on November 8th and ends on December 31st. (You may begin reading your Christmas books whenever it suits you though.) *wink*

    I have a bookish surprise in store for you all! *cough*
    GiVeAwAaAaAaAaY tImE!

    Stay tuned!

    Once the book reviews and posts start rolling in (like presents under the Christmas tree), I think we can all gather some fresh holiday titles from each other. In the meantime, if you're looking for what books you should be reading this holiday season, check out some of the Christmas books I've shared about in the past, or visit online lists such as:

    Favorite Christmas Books

    Christian Christmas Books

    Christmas/Holiday Christian Fiction

    I'll be sharing my own personal Christmas reading list in the next day or so.... but in the meantime:

    Link to your sign-up posts & reviews!

    * If the linky isn't showing up for you, try refreshing your page. Or just leave your post links in the comments section, and I can add your post to the linky for you, if needed.


    1. I'll link up later on, but I will definitely be participating!

    2. What a charming idea! Hi, Tarissa, thanks for your stop at my blog last month. :)

      I'll be joining too. I'm actually reading Jane Austen's Emma which I sort of consider as being a Christmas book just because an instrumental part of the story does take place at Christmas. I also have a Regency Christmas novella by Camille Elliot that I just love and read faithfully every year, ever since she published it.

      Once I get a post written about the challenge, I'll add it to your linky.

      1. I'll be thrilled to have you join the challenge, Carissa! The books you're reading sound exciting. I'll have to find this Camille Elliot novella you're talking about -- as it's probably something I'd like to read. =)

      2. I love this event every year! Just signed up now :-)

    3. I found out about this reading challenge from Hamlette, and it sounds great! Thank you so much for hosting. :) I signed up and linked up!


    4. Hope you get lots of participation! I don't usually read seasonally, but if I happen to read any Christmas books, I'll be sure to link up! (You never know.)

      Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    5. I'm in. Thanks for hosting Tarissa :)

    6. I didn't read every Christmas book I have on hand, but I read and enjoyed four. I'm halfway through another that will take me a while to finish. Thanks for hosting again!
