In the Bookcase


R.M.S. Titanic: 2 days until cast off.

Hello, everyone! Just wanted to pop in an extra note today to say... Happy Easter!
May you all have a wonderful and blessed day.

If you're on my blog for today's Titanic post, here are just a few quick things I wanted to share:

April 8, 1912
This was another day of hard work on the Titanic. Most of the day consisted of loading supplies, food, and 4,427 tons of coal into her abyss of storage areas.

When I found out how much food really went into the ship, it appears to be an outstanding amount! Of course, it had to feed hundreds of people for several days while at sea---and we're talking about buffet meals for 3 different classes of people, with several courses.

List of foods taken on Titanic's voyage:
Titanic's china dishes
75,000 lbs. of Fresh Meat
11,000 lbs. of Fresh Fish
4,000 lbs. of Salted and Dried Fish
75,000 lbs. of Ham and Bacon
25,000 lbs. of Poultry and Game
2,500 lbs. of Sausage
40,000 lbs. of Fresh Eggs
2,200 lbs. of Coffee
1,120 lbs. of Jams and Marmalade
1,000 Sweetbreads
800 lbs. of Tea
25 cases of Biscuits
1,750 quarts of Ice Cream
1,196 bags of Potatoes
6 cases of Confectionery
32 cases of Vegetables
225 cases of Mustard
37,350 bottles of Alcohol
10,000 lbs. of Rice, Dried Beans, etc.
10,000 lbs. of Sugar
200 barrels of Flour
10,000 lbs. of Cereals
36,000 lbs. of Oranges
16,000 lbs. of Lemons

My, my, my. Wouldn't you have liked to feast on the Titanic?

Below are some photos of the dining areas inside the vessel. The first 2 were for First Class passengers only, and the last one shows you even the fine dining experience that steerage passengers received.

Cafe Parisian
Titanic's Cafe Parisian

"...on the promenade deck is the Cafe Parisien, with walls covered with trellis, up which climbing plants appear to grow. Here the voyager may sip his after-dinner cup of coffee and ruminate on the great skill and ingenuity of the shipbuilders and engineers, upholsterers and decorators, whose combined efforts produced the most marvellous ship which ever sailed the seas, to come to grief, on her very first venture, through a cause which all their skill and ingenuity could not altogether foresee and guard against."

('Titanic: One Newspaper, Seven Days, and the Truth That Shocked the World')

A La Carte Restaurant
Titanic's A La Carte Restaurant

Third Class Dining Room
Titanic's Steerage Dining Room

There were only 2 more days left until the Titanic set off.

1 comment:

  1. Visiting from Aquariann's blog hop. The Titanic had some beautiful rooms, seeing your post photos makes the tragedy more real to us 100 years later. Great blog and Happy Easter to you, too!
