In the Bookcase


"Faces in everyday places."

There's a neat photo contest running on the blog Bliss {written by Maggie}.

The theme for the photos is - "Faces in everyday places."
> > click here to read more about the contest

Here's my entry...

Feel free to join up in the contest yourself! -and- Go see what kinds of pictures that the other participants are coming with.


  1. Very cute, Tarissa:) Love it!

  2. Anonymous10/04/2010

    Great picture!! Nice entry!

  3. Anonymous10/04/2010

    I noticed the stones are all arranged in a manner that gives the face a aligned the end of the mouth stones and the nose and eye stones in a peculiar way to mimic emotion from this guy. Good Job!!!

  4. Cool! I'll check it out. I love your entry :D

  5. Cute! Good job!

    Yes, the cardboard furniture is very real! Isn't it cool?

  6. Wow, that is such a unique photo! I absolutely love it! :)

    Thank you so much! My template is a premade one made by someone else (the link is on my sidebar). I love your template too! Did you make it?

  7. I have not really thought about doing NanoWriMo, but I kinda think that I want to. I wanted to do it last year - but writing in November is going to be really hard for me because I'm going to be away two fulls weeks during that month, meaning I'd only have really, 16 days to truly write. I guess I could do it, but I'm not sure that I'd be able to get my 50,000 words in in that month.

    The Civil War Museum is CRAZY cool. If you ever visit, be sure to let me know and maybe we can meet you there! :P


  8. Hi Tarissa,
    This is a really cute picture; I love it! Thanks for your comment. Thank you! I did take them; it was in the path leading to my family's pasture. It was such a blessing to see! :)

    In Christ,

  9. I like this one too - but your dog is still too precious! :)
