In the Bookcase


Book Review: Tightropes and Teeter-Totters

Tightropes and Teeter-Totters by Lisa Pennington (5 star review)

Tightropes and Teeter-Totters
Finding Balance in the Ups and Downs of Life

written by Lisa Pennington

240 pages // published in 2017 // Christian non-fiction


Lisa Pennington knows how to get up after losing her balance, even with a full house, a not-so-full bank account, and never enough energy. In her latest book, she offers readers:

• Strategies for finding balance in marriage, motherhood, and bad moods
• Playful yet biblically based tips for turning hard days around
• Inspiration for shaping obstacles into opportunities
• Ways to respond to irritations with gratitude
• Enthusiastic encouragement for living out God’s purpose.

For every woman who wonders if her satisfaction in life will ever match her dreams, Pennington has real-life answers full of hope and humor.

My Review

5 Star Rating

Do you wish you could keep all the different elements of life in balance? Perhaps a book with some humorous stories, a Godly perspective, and joyful triumphs? This is the one for you. As Lisa points out in the beginning of her book, she wants to show you that life is like "a love story between me and God. Or you and God". And it's gooood.

I've read Lisa's blog, some of her children's blogs, and feel like I kind of "know" the family. So it was an "of course, I'm going to read the new Pennington book!" moment as soon as I saw that it had been released.

Each chapter focuses on one of many topics in our lives today, and repeatedly takes you through the B.A.L.A.N.C.E. process each time. Lisa has concocted her own way of navigating most of life's craziest areas -- and navigating well. I found a lot of helpful guidelines and sound wisdom in her words.

One of my favorite quotes from Lisa's book is this:

"Balance is quickly figuring out how hard to lean into the unexpected gust of wind so you don't blow away."

How true!!!! I applaud that sentiment. I hope to retain it and mentally use it -- a lot.

Some of the topics she covers include: Social Life, Friends, Marriage, Motherhood, Finances, and an assortment of other things too... like keeping yourself in line! With each topic, she shows you the B.A.L.A.N.C.E. checklist (yes, it's an acronym, and yes, it works every time once you learn it!), and she shows you how to come out victorious in each kind of situation. You learn that instead of rushing into an argument with a trusted friend, you should take a step back and think about it first. When your kids are really getting on your nerves, you can overcome the turbulence with grace.

"You are worth complete joy. You are worth peace in hard times."

Preach it!

The type of reader that would best benefit from or enjoy this book is the moms out there, but women of all ages (including single young ladies such as myself) can appreciate most of the scenarios that Lisa covers. I spiritually enjoyed reading the book, and it was a mind reset for me. I believe Lisa's new book Tightropes and Teeter-Totters to be an encouragement to all women. It doesn't matter your situation, you can improve areas in your life if you work on them. And this book is an excellent source of advice on how to find the peace and joy in life that we all need.

"Instead of dulling our senses by blaming our problems on others, let's reach for the stars and see God's glory in every trial."

Available on Amazon in paperback and e-book format.

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