Cupid and Chow Chow
Aunt Jo's Scrap Bag #3
by Louisa May Alcott
209 pages // published in 1873 // collection of children's stories
First published in 1896, this book contains volume III of "Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag", a six-volume collection of classic children's stories by American author Louisa May Alcott (1832 - 1888). Alcott was an American short story writer, novelist, and poet most famous for writing the novel "Little Women", as well as its sequels "Little Men" and "Jo's Boys". She grew up in New England and became associated with numerous notable intellectuals of her time, including Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and Henry David Thoreau. This charming collection is perfect for young children and would make for ideal bedtime reading material.
First published in 1896, this book contains volume III of "Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag", a six-volume collection of classic children's stories by American author Louisa May Alcott (1832 - 1888). Alcott was an American short story writer, novelist, and poet most famous for writing the novel "Little Women", as well as its sequels "Little Men" and "Jo's Boys". She grew up in New England and became associated with numerous notable intellectuals of her time, including Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and Henry David Thoreau. This charming collection is perfect for young children and would make for ideal bedtime reading material.

A fine collection of short stories penned by Louisa May Alcott.
Cupid and Chow-Chow: A kind-hearted boy and a naughty little girl. To be, or not to be? "Chow-chow was very quick at spying out the weaknesses of her friends and alarmingly frank in proclaiming her discoveries."
Huckleberry: Our protagonist herein befriends a stray dog and "named him Huckleberry on the spot." It's a cute, heartwarming story. But beware that the last couple of pages may rip your heart, as they did mine.
Nelly's Hospital: A beautiful story of the kindness of one girl for the injured and broken.
Grandma's Team: How a grandma never misses a church service in twenty years, thanks to her family's efforts.
Fairy Pinafores: Easily one of my top favorites of this collection. A Cinderella-inspired story, wherein our beloved Fairy Godmother is in need of a new task, now that Cinderella's fate is taken care of. Such a charming story!!
Mamma's Plot: A quaint story of how to work-around the strict rules at the girls' school. Mamma knows how to make her Kitty feel better.
Kate's Choice: Beautiful!! This is one I think we should all read every once in a while and remember to spend time with our loved ones while we can. As it states, "joy seldom kills"; in fact it's quite the opposite. We should all make Kate's choice.
The Moss People: Another little fairy tale-esque story. With a fun, quirky, and imaginative plot, I'm sure many young readers will enjoy this one too. I loved the name of 'Marnie' for our little heroine.
What Fanny Heard: In a similar to The Moss People, only this time it's the flowers that come to life and speak our heroine in this story. Lovely.
A Marine Merry-making: Very reminiscent of a particular chapter of 'Alice in Wonderland' wherein an undersea quadrille takes place. This one is a fabulous plot with a comical romance at the heart of it.

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